The design of your website has always been very important. Today, however, it’s even more important. 8 out of 10 searchers on the Internet say that they will leave a site if it doesn’t display properly on their device. What this means is that if a person is searching for something on their mobile device and they land on someone’s website that website better be easily readable from the get-go. Not that long ago, if the website print seemed small, then the user just pinched and zoomed in to read it. Today, this seems to be more trouble than people are willing to deal with. Now if they see that the font is too small to read they will simply leave and go to the next website.

This means that you better make sure your website renders properly on mobile devices, tablets, and yes, even desktops. Most websites today are what they call a “responsive” layout, meaning the layout will change depending on the device it is being displayed on. However this is not a 100% all the time. Websites require tweaking from time to time. As new devices come out and new display sizes come out, bugs could be discovered. Responsive layouts of many websites and will require a fix of some kind.

When 8 out of 10 potential customers are all saying the same thing, as a business owner you better take it seriously.
